
  • Founder

    Vehllia Tranne is a Certified Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms® Teacher since 2013, Accredited by 5RTA (5Rhythms Teachers Association) for Waves and Heartbeat. She is the Founder of The City Waves™ San Francisco, offering dynamic movement practices in a community of heart-centered individuals. She’s also a certified Yoga Alliance Teacher, Art of Feminine/Masculine Presence™, and Trauma-Sensitive, Mindfulness, Somatic Embodiment and Transformational Coach. She is initiated into the ancient stick divination of Dagara tradition, and carries a torch of ancient healing technology from both her maternal and paternal lineage. Vehllia has been celestially dancing before learning to walk. Born in Java, around the Ring of Fire, proud of her mixed heritage and dragon powers. She is a passionate healer, courageous shapeshifter, compassionate community leader, loyal partner, lifelong student and dedicated teacher. She’s deeply committed to bring diversity and inclusion in all her offerings.

    In her life journey, seeking for inner balance and soul purpose, traveling around the world and living in many countries, weaving both Eastern and Western cultures, she was guided to transform her life to a spiritually based existence by a chance encounter with the 5Rhythms. This magical cosmic convergence rocked her world, igniting and inspiring a renewed passion for her unique dance as a tool for self-discovery, healing and transformation. Her connection with her volcanic ancient ancestral land is evident in her grounded powerful flowing and it's a sacred gift for all who witness it.

    Vehllia’s teaching style reflects her spontaneity, her sincere love for life, and her mesmerizing voice body, expressed beautifully in her inspirational dance offering as inspiration for a deep transformational exploration of self. She is largely inspired by nature and the elements, and infused her teaching with intuitive shamanic lineage from her ancestors. She currently resides on the ancestral lands of the Ramaytush Ohlone People, teaches around the San Francisco Bay Area and globally.

    All of her class and workshop hours count as Waves and Heartbeat on the 5Rhythms Dancing Path towards Teacher Training.

  • Founder

    Alessandro Moruzzi is a Certified 5Rhythms® Teacher, Accredited by 5RTA (5Rhythms Teachers Association) for Waves and Heartbeat. He is the Co-Founder of The City Waves™ in San Francisco. He was born, raised and spent the first half of his life in Italy, where after being a school teacher stepped into a career as a musician and theater performer.

    Alessandro is also a Certified Holistic Health Counselor from World School of Massage and Holistic Healing Arts in SF, a Breema Practitioner and has worked many years as a Massage Therapist.

    He crossed path with 5Rhythms after living and traveling in various parts of the world, exploring, searching and seeking; inside and out. Now embracing this transformational moving meditation practice fully, his purpose in life is clearly manifesting. The teaching and daily practicing of this spiritual and physical discipline is harmoniously balancing mind, body, heart and spirit. And generously sharing this powerful medicine for everyone he crosses path with, is a sacred gift and and a true blessing.

    Enriched by his music, theater, performance and shamanic experiences, inspired and guided by many amazing teachers including Malidoma Somé, Mbali Marais and of course Gabrielle Roth, collaborating with poets, artists and musicians such as Michael McClure, Soon 3, and Kronos Quartet, Alessandro has always spontaneously dedicated his life to creativity and uncharted spiritual exploration. Embracing the 5Rhythms practice, he intuitively crafts heartfelt, playful, grounded and healing journey, navigating effortlessly through the paths offered by the maps, offering a safe and transformational space for all, with enthusiasm and sacred humor.

    He currently resides in San Francisco, teaches ongoing classes and recurring workshops in various SF Bay Area locations as well as abroad.

    All of his class and workshop hours count as Waves and Heartbeat on the 5Rhythms Dancing Path towards Teacher Training.

SF Bay Area Collective Teachers

  • Aaron (he/him) as been teaching the 5Rhythms for 6 years, mostly in San Francisco and Black Rock City. His perspective on the dance practice arises from a desire to know who we are and how we relate to ourselves, to others, and to the world. He is passionate about embodied spirituality as well as progressive activism and the magic and metaphor of literary language. Coming from an intellectual upbringing, he has moved through many worlds: an Ivy League college, the high-tech corporate sphere, the arena of politics and activism, and now runs his own software business. The 5Rhythms dance floor is a true home and source of inspiration and liberation. Aaron's 5Rhythms teaching is grounded, playful and occasionally unpredictable.

  • Steffi (she/her), a Bay Area native, found her way to the 5Rhythms practice in 2015 after stumbling across a class and realizing that there exists a dance form that does not stipulate predefined steps or choreography. While this lack of structure was at first intimidating, it now provides the space for her to move according to her intuition, to let go of—at least occasionally—the mind's constant chatter. Steffi relies on the 5Rhythms practice as a wellspring of meditation, self-reflection, body positivity, connection, experimentation, and creative expression. In her teaching, Steffi seeks to tangibly connect the 5Rhythms practice to everyday life, and to hold a space in which dancers can disappear into whatever movement feels most restorative.  

    When not dancing, Steffi works at the intersection of technology, design, and psychology as a robotics UX designer and researcher, a role that delightfully offers myriad opportunities to embody the rhythms. Steffi has been a certified 5Rhythms teacher since 2021.

  • Meaghan Williams, aka Tiggrr Fearless, has been dancing the 5Rhythms since 2003, and a certified teacher since 2011.

    She studied closely with Gabrielle Roth while living in NYC, and was a ritual theater performer under her direction for almost a decade. With a background in theater, performance art, spoken word, music, and co-creating wild underground dance parties, Meaghan is also a Burner and an Earth-tender.

    She migrated to the rural west coast around 2012 and has since devoted herself to regenerative earth care. She is currently a Permaculture landscape artist in Sonoma county, and is passionate about healing our relationship to both the earth and our own bodies through conscious movement. She dances intimately with the elements, allowing the rhythms of nature to inform the elemental aspects of her being and her teaching.

    Meaghan has taught 5Rhythms classes and workshops around the world, and currently leads Fearless Waves biweekly in Sebastopol, CA.

    In collaboration with Deep Dance LA she creates half hour weekly waves that are shared digitally for advanced home practice, available via subscription.

    Meaghan is devoted to creating sanctuary for us to cultivate authentic and brave dances together, to feel into our edges and express beyond our wildest imaginings of how we could be in our own embodiment. What we have the capacity to create and release together in an embodied community, is a product of our ability to feel safe enough to bare our vulnerable truths on the dance floor.

    She is certified in Process-oriented facilitation by David Bedrick, and her space-holding is trauma-informed.

    Meaghan strives to create a conscious container which is both courageous and inclusive of all.

    All of her class and workshop hours count as Waves on the 5Rhythms Dancing Path towards Teacher Training.

  • Tina (she/her) is based in San Francisco and fresh off the 5Rhythms teacher training.  The 5Rhythms practice has been a path to feel more comfortable in her body. And more than that the practice has helped her to shed the feeling of always needing to be perfect or look perfect and the lack of confidence around body image that stemmed from never being able to attain that ideal. Through the dance she has come to appreciate the beautiful mystery that is the body. Tina is thankful to have a beating heart and breath in my lungs to carry her through this crazy life journey. Through my 5Rhythms teaching, Tina help people connect to their hearts and embrace all the shades and complexities of who they are.

  • Chelsea (she/her) is a Certified 5Rhythms® Teacher Accredited by 5RTA (5Rhythms Teachers Association) to teach Waves and has been a teacher since 2013. As a second generation 5Rhythms teacher and dancer, Chelsea grew up dancing and carries the lineage in her body. For her, embodiment is a dance of being with what is and actively becoming one's more essential self. She invites this ever evolving conversation of self-awareness and growth through her teaching and believes in the power of meditative movement and breath to heal. Her style is one that invites you to be with where you are at and to rest more deeply into yourself and your own knowing. She endeavors to create spaces of belonging for all humans and to hold space for each person to transform themselves.

    Chelsea is also a trained mediator and conflict coach with a strong skillset in collaboration, mindfulness, trauma-informed practices, and the creation of safer environments. In her work, she focuses on bringing creativity, flexibility, and equity to conflict transformation processes to optimally meet the needs of clients, mitigate/diminish power imbalances, and discuss intersectional/ core identity differences. She enjoys harnessing the generative nature of conflict with love and kindness to change and transform relationships and make the world more justly peaceful.